Oxford Biz Blog – Monday 26th April 2021


Monday 26th April 2021

General Aviation Visitors (non-based)
2-CLRK EA50-parked since 18.04.21
2-TEAM C25B-parked since 09.04.21
CS-PHD E55P (NJE022B/3NX)-a09:41-d11:53 fm Luton to Kerry
D-IEFD C25M (EFD2F)-a08:22-d17:21 fm/to Altenrhein
G-MRLB F900-parked since 13.04.21
G-NOCM C25A-parked since 18.04.21
G-RCFC H25B-parked since 18.04.21
LX-PCE PC24 (JFA09L)-n/s-d08:44 to Geneva
OO-PAR C25B (AAB606)-a09:13-d18:19 fm Nice to Brussels
T7-FMS C525-a08:59-d14:33 fm/to Hamburg
General Aviation (based)
2-FLIP H25B-hangared since 02.02.21
2-GDEJ H25B-hangared since  ?
2-OOOX F2TH-parked since 07.04.21
2-LATE CL60-parked since 19.04.21
2-LVLY CL60 (VLZ130A)-n/s-d10:18-a12:00-d13:45-a14:14 ‘local flights’
2-NAPA H25B-hangared since 13.04.21
2-NICE CL60-hangared since ?
2-PCBS CL60-hangared, long term storage
2-RBLE H25B-parked since 13.04.21
2-SLOW CL60 (VLZ130A)-n/s-d18:21 to Shannon
5N-TAK B350-hangared, long term storage
CS-RBN GLEX-hangared since 19.04.21
CS-REU GLEX (JME515U)-a22:05-n/s fm Nice
G-FBKG C510-hangared-long term storage
G-JNRE C25A-hangared since 02.03.21
G-SPRE C55B (SYG2)-n/s-d08:31-a11:39-d14:54-a16:44-n/s to Leeds fm/to/fm Jersey
M-CARA C25M-hangared since ?
M-LLMW B350-hangared since 17.03.21
M-MIKE C25C-hangared since ?
M-PMCN C25A-hangared since 19.04.21
N601S CL60-parked, long term storage
N850BG TBM8-hangared since 09.04.21
N989PR TBM8-hangared since 16.04.21
OE-IIX CL60 (LDX007)-a20:28-n/s fm Nice

SE-DJI FA7X-hangared since 25.04.21