Coventry – Sunday 4th June 2017 (John Tomlinson)

Final stop of the day was Coventry~Warks.
We were hoping to see some of the recent arrivals, the Dakota and two Jordanian Diamonds. It looks as though we saw one of the Diamonds, however wonder if we saw the other, but could not read it off.
Did anyone visit Coventry over the weekend and see BOTH Jordanian. We read off JY-AAA with the hangar (don’t remember the name of of it), but I believe that the other was in front of it, the nose right up to the hangar door and thus unreadable. Any help or confirmation would be appreciated.
Noted between 1553-1640hrs
D-IRAS    Cessna T303    C/n     T303-00143    Withdrawn from use
G-AZSF    Piper PA-28R-200    C/n     28R-7235048    Private
G-BIPV    American Aviation AA-5B    C/n     981    Private
G-BPKF    Grob G.115A    C/n     8075    Private
G-BPZM    Piper PA-28RT-201    C/n     28R-7918238    Private
G-BUJN    Cessna 172N    C/n     172-72713    Private
G-CINA    Cessna 152    C/n     152-85894    Private
G-JMCP    Boeing  7373T0F    C/n     23578    West Atlantic
G-JMCY    Boeing  7374Q8(SF)    C/n     25114    West Atlantic
G-MEDX    Agusta A-109E    C/n     11745    Sloane Helicopters
G-OCCL    Diamond DA 40D    C/n     D4.237    Private
G-RSCU    Agusta A-109E    C/n     11777    Sloane Helicopters
G-TECD    Tecnam P.2006T    C/n     138    Private
G-TORC    Piper PA-28R-200    C/n     28R-7535036    Private
G-USAA    Reims-Cessna F.150G    C/n     188    Private
G-WAVS    Piper PA-28161    C/n     2842035    Private
G-XDEA    Diamond DA 42    C/n     42.AC012    Tayside Aviation
G-ZATG    Diamond DA 42MPP    C/n     42.319    Directflight
JY-AAA    Diamond DA 40D    C/n     D4.186    Ayla Aviation Academy
N346DW    Cessna 340A    C/n     340A-0742    Private
N350DG    Neico LancairLC-42-550FG    C/n     42074    Private
N37379    Cessna 421C    C/n     421C-0654    Corporate
N401JN    Cessna 401    C/n     401-0166    Corporate
SE-LPU    British Aerospace ATPF    C/n     2060    Leasing Company
SE-MHC    British Aerospace ATPF    C/n     2007    West Atlantic
SE-MHF    British Aerospace ATPF    C/n     2013    West Atlantic
SE-MHJ    British Aerospace ATPF    C/n     2024    West Atlantic