Hi all,
Having left Nanyuan, we had a quick look at Tiananmen Square on our way to our only real disappointment on the whole trip which was that the Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution was closed. This is located No. 9, Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing and opening times of 08:30-17:00 daily (except Monday) were taken from the website (http://eng.jb.mil.cn/ ) but this was not the case when we arrived.
So off we went to our next museum which was to be the Beijing Air and Space Museum. Johnny dropped us off outside the museum entrance and as you go up the steps, you see a hole in the wall to the right. This is where you get the tickets from.
We encountered resistance in giving us a ticket initially and I’m not sure why? Maybe we needed to be pre-booked? The guy had been given our passports and on seeing that I was now on the phone to John Yellowcar to come and sort his fellow countryman out, now seemed eager to dish the tickets!?
Not wishing to debate the rhyme or reason, in we went and a good hour was spent here. Unlike other reports I’ve seen from this place, there was plenty of Joe Public looking around and it was from being deserted. Fancy dropping the Harrier eh?
(7508)/08, Aero 45, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (50124)
(7100-24), Aero L-60 Brigadýr, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (550055)
XZ965, BAe Harrier GR.3, Beijing Air and Space Museum, United Kingdom (712201)
(001), Beijing 1, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(01), Beijing University Mifeng-2, Beijing Air and Space Museum (01)
01, Beijing University Mifeng-3C, Beijing Air and Space Museum (unknown)
01, Beijing University Mifeng-3, Beijing Air and Space Museum (01)
(7311)/86102, Chengdu J-7 Fishbed (MiG-21), Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (0003)
(1)02, Douglas C-47B Skytrain, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(4149), Harbin H-5 Beagle (IL-28), Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (0851)
(3709)/86103, Harbin Z-5 (Mi-4), Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(06), Ilyushin IL-10UTI Beast, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
09, Lavochkin La-11 Fang, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(7503)/86104, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-9 Fargo, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
7501, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(61664)/08, Nanchang CJ-6A (Yak-18), Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(1172)/86106, Nanchang Q-5 Fantan, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(42-696)/04, Noorduyn AT-16 Harvard IIB, Beijing Air and Space Museum, United States (14-233)
(42-39715), Northrop P-61B Black Widow, Beijing Air and Space Museum, United States (N.1234)
(7601), Republic P-47D Thunderbolt, Beijing Air and Space Museum, United States (499-6808)
no marks, Polikarpov Po.2, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(4649)/86101, Shenyang F-2 (MiG-15bis), Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
no marks, Shenyang J-6 Farmer (MiG-19), Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(7703)/50905, Shenyang J-6III Farmer (MiG-19), Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (4743)
30059, Shenyang J-8E Finback, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (J8E-0503)
8300, Shenyang J-8 II Finback replica, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(01), Shijiazhuang SY-5S, Beijing Air and Space Museum (01)
03, Sokol M.1C, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
(7100-18)/6, Tupolev Tu-2S, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (1098751)
666, VEB IL-14P Crate, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (14803050)
07, Yakovlev Yak-11 Moose, Beijing Air and Space Museum, Chinese (unknown)
Grant Robinson
Oxford Aviation Group