Hi all,
Spent a fantastic day at two gliding airfields on what looked to be the better weather day of the Bank Holiday weekend. I had seen several reports from Aston Down where other people had visited the Junior Nationals & Cotswold Regionals and logged over 100 gliders on the airfield, and the same would be true for me too.
My photographs can be seen at;
Present on the launch grid for the Junior Nationals & Cotswold Regionals:
G-CFBB/822, Schempp-Hirth/Grob Standard Cirrus, BGA3120 (327G)
G-CFBH/177, Elan DG-100G Elan, BGA3126 (E156G123)
G-CFEF/FEF, Grob G 102 Astir CS, BGA3196 (1164)
G-CFEG/AT, Schempp-Hirth Ventus b/16.6, BGA3197 (279)
G-CFMU/FMU, Schempp-Hirth Standard Cirrus, BGA3377 (236)
G-CFUP/SH4, Schempp-Hirth Discus b, BGA3538 (291)
G-CFWS/662, Schleicher ASW 20 C, BGA3588 (20765)
G-CFZB/669, Glasflugel H201B Standard Libelle, BGA3645 (112)
G-CHBE/356, Elan DG-300 Elan, BGA3805 (3E-237)
G-CHBG/96, Schleicher ASW 24, BGA3807 (24133)
G-CHGY/LJW, Schleicher ASG 29 27-18 (29073)
G-CHHR/100, PZL-Bielsko SZD-55-1 Promyk (551191020)
G-CHJV/LX, Grob G 102 Astir CS (1007)
G-CHKD/225, Schempp-Hirth/Grob Standard Cirrus CS11, BGA3997 (576G)
G-CHME/LKA, Elan DG-300 Elan (3E-197)
G-CHSO/493, Schempp-Hirth Discus b, BGA4169 (99)
G-CHXH/HXH, Schempp-Hirth Discus b, BGA4283 (573)
G-CJAL/JAL, Schleicher Ka 6 E Rhonsegler, BGA4358 (4360)
G-CJBA/JBA, Alisport Silent 2 Electro (2081)
G-CJCU/JCU, Schempp-Hirth Standard Cirrus 75B, BGA4414 (688)
G-CJHY/LT, Rolladen-Schneider LS8 18, BGA4538 (8181)
G-CJMU/302, Rolladen-Schneider LS8 18, BGA4631 (8246)
G-CJNF/235, Schempp-Hirth Discus 2 a, BGA4642 (12)
G-CJNK/A8, Rolladen-Schneider LS8 18, BGA4646 (8244)
G-CJPA/HB1, Schempp-Hirth Duo Discus, BGA4661 (201)
G-CJSE/296, Schempp-Hirth Discus b, BGA4737 (365)
G-CJSX/JSX, AMS-Flight DG-505 Elan Orion, BGA4754 (5E-200X44)
G-CJUB/894, Orlican Discus CS, BGA4782 (268CS)
G-CJVU/C74, Schempp-Hirth/Lanaverre Standard Cirrus CS11-75L, BGA4823 (28)
G-CJVV/J50, Schempp-Hirth Janus C, BGA4824 (176)
G-CKBD/KBD, Grob G 102 Astir CS, BGA4953 (1217)
G-CKDX/KDX, Glaser-Dirks DG-200 17C, BGA5019 (2-11/CL01)
G-CKFA/UW3, Schempp-Hirth Standard Cirrus CS11-75, BGA5046 (644)
G-CKHV/KHV, Glaser-Dirks DG-100, BGA5112 (77)
G-CKNK/KNK, Elan DG-500T Elan Trainer, BGA5227 (5E-116T48)
G-CKOH/KOH, DG Flugzeugbau DG-1000T, BGA5429 (10-87T25)
G-CLFB/K2, Rolladen-Schneider LS4 a (4612)
G-CLGR/L, Glasflugel H205 Club Libelle (44)
G-CLRS/565, Schleicher ASG 29 27-18E (29635)
G-CLTP/LTP, Rolladen-Schneider LS3 17 (3238)
G-CLWR/B, Rolladen-Schneider LS8 a, BGA5982 (8054)
G-CLYF/K7, Schleicher ASG 29 27-18Es (29696)
G-DCLP/948, Glasflugel H201B Standard Libelle, BGA1630 (176)
G-DCMO/CMO, Glasflugel H201B Standard Libelle, BGA1655 (233)
G-DCNC/273, Schempp-Hirth Standard Cirrus, BGA1667 (167)
G-DCRO/CRO, Glasflugel H201B Standard Libelle, BGA1750 (326)
G-DCRS/CD, Glasflugel H201B Standard Libelle, BGA1752 (325)
G-DCXK/L18, Glasflugel H201B Standard Libelle, BGA1887 (383)
G-DCZU/826, Slingsby T.59 D Kestrel, BGA1944 (1849)
G-DDDR/680, Schempp-Hirth/Grob Standard Cirrus, BGA2037 (531G)
G-DDNG/265, Schempp-Hirth Nimbus 2, BGA2243 (126)
G-DDNW/DNW, Schleicher Ka 6CR Rhonsegler, BGA2257 (829)
G-DDPJ/DPJ, Grob G 102 Astir CS77, BGA2269 (1641)
G-DDST/180, Schleicher ASW 20 L, BGA2350 (20059)
G-DDTM/DTM, Glaser-Dirks DG-200, BGA2368 (2-34)
G-DDTY/766, Glasflugel H303 B Mosquito, BGA2379 (112)
G-DDWB/733, Glasflugel H303 B Mosquito, BGA2429 (135)
G-DDXL/DXL, Schempp-Hirth/Grob Standard Cirrus, BGA2462 (203G)
G-DEAJ/2A, Schempp-Hirth Nimbus 2, BGA2528 (7)
G-DEAK/594, Glasflugel H303 B Mosquito, BGA2529 (155)
G-DECF/ECF, Schleicher Ka 6CR Rhonsegler, BGA2573 (856)
G-DEMG/EMG, Rolladen-Schneider LS4, BGA2790 (4242)
G-DENV/JJ, Schleicher ASW 20 L, BGA2827 (20554)
G-DEPF/5, Centrair ASW 20F L, BGA2837 (20515)
G-DEVM/N51, Centrair C101 A Pegase, BGA2987 (101A0157)
G-DFEX/LU, Grob G 102 Astir CS77, BGA3212 (1660)
G-DFFP/93, Schleicher ASW 19 B, BGA3228 (19317)
G-DFOG/952, Rolladen-Schneider LS7, BGA3437 (7050)
G-DIRK/RK, Glaser-Dirks DG-400 (4-124)
G-FEBU/BU, DG Flugzeugbau DG-1000S, BGA6014 (10-277S182)
G-KADS/KS, Schempp-Hirth Ventus 2c xT (231)
G-KEPE/PE, Schempp-Hirth Nimbus 3D T, BGA5116 (25)
G-KHPI/Y9, Schleicher ASW 28 18E (28717)
G-LFES/2Z, Sportine Aviacija LAK-17 B FES (212)
G-LSIF/1F, Rolladen-Schneider LS1 f, BGA4738 (383)
G-LSIO/TA, DG Flugzeugbau LS10 st, BGA2806 (L10-020)
G-LSIV/264, Rolladen-Schneider LS4, BGA2806 (4189)
G-MEEE/EEE, Schleicher ASW 20, BGA2620 (20312)
G-ODCH/212, Schleicher ASW 20 L, BGA4860 (20067)
G-OSHK/PH, Schempp-Hirth SHK-1, BGA4505 (V1)
G-RBCT/RB, Schempp-Hirth Ventus 2c T, BGA4505 (3/10)
G-RGTS/T5, Schempp-Hirth Discus b, BGA4301 (140)
G-SEZA/727, Schleicher ASW 20 C, BGA5009 (20824)
G-SINK/RC, Schleicher ASH 25 WL, BGA5009 (25139)
G-UDIX/D1, Schempp-Hirth Duo Discus xT (159)
G-WDGC/M9, Rolladen-Schneider LS8 18, BGA4904 (8395)
G-XVII/40, Schleicher ASW 17, BGA1788 (17012)
Glider Tugs:
G-BBNA, de Havilland DHC-1 Chipmunk 22 (C1/0491)
G-BCCX, de Havilland DHC-1 Chipmunk 22 (C1/0531)
G-BTUG, SOCATA Rallye Rallye 180T Galerien (3208)
G-CIWG, Aeropro EuroFox 912(S) (47015)
G-ELUN, Robin DR.400 180R Remorqueur (1102)
G-FLBX, Aeropro EuroFox 914 (60320)
G-TUGY, Robin DR.400 180 Regent (2052)
G-TUGZ, Robin DR.400 180R Remorqueur (1030)
WG498, Slingsby Sedburgh TX.1, BGA3245, United Kingdom (665)
XP493, Slingsby Grasshopper TX.1, United Kingdom (1270)
BGA507, Elliotts of Newbury AP-5 Olympia 2 (EoN/O/008)
BGA742/AXL, Slingsby T.43 Skylark 3 (1030)
BGA778/33, Slingsby T.41 Skylark 2C (1073)
BGA1360/BZG, Slingsby T.49 B Capstan (1581)
BGA1784/CTA, Elliotts of Newbury AP-5 Olympia 2B (EoN/O/146)
BGA3173/FDG, ICA-Brasov IS-29 D2 Club (02)
G-BBOL, Piper PA-18 150 Super Cub (18-7561)
(G-CFWB), Schleicher ASK 13 (13224)
G-CGAS, Schempp-Hirth Ventus cT (157/509)
G-CGCF/GCF, Schleicher ASK 23, BGA3721 (23010)
G-CHDN/HDN, Schleicher K 8 B, BGA3863 (02)
G-CHXJ/HXJ, Schleicher ASK 13, BGA4284 (13216)
G-CJPZ/R56, Schleicher ASK 18, BGA4684 (18027)
G-CKEJ/KEJ, Schleicher ASK 21, BGA5030 (21765)
G-CLRT/LRT, Schleicher ASK 21 (21939)
G-DCMF/CMF, ZSLS-Wroclaw SZD-32A Foka 5, BGA1646 (W-534)
G-DCYZ/CYZ, Schleicher K 8 B, BGA1925 (8882)
G-DDBV/DBV, WSK (Swidnik) SZD-30 Pirat, BGA1993 (S-02.27)
G-DEUY, Schleicher ASW 20 BL, BGA2974 (20645)
XZ563, Slingsby Venture T.2, G-BUDT, United Kingdom (1883)
G-CHZR/HZR, Schleicher ASK 21, BGA4339 (21079)
Parked outside near the tower:
G-CHKS/HKS, Schempp-Hirth/FAJ Jastreb Standard Cirrus G/81, BGA4010 (361)
On airways:
D-CHLR, Embraer Phenom 300 (50500066)
It was now around 13:30 and the competition gliders still had not launched and so I decided to go off to nearby Nympsfield where I asked for permission to go to the launch grid and this was granted. If anybody knows the identities of the blue/white Vans and metal finish homebuilt (type not known) in the Targett Aviation hangar, I would appreciate being told what they are 🙂
Out on the airfield:
G-CFGW/701, Centrair C101 A Pegase, BGA3259 (1010275)
G-CFNU/190, Rolladen-Schneider LS4 a, BGA3401 (4732)
G-CFYV/FYV, Schleicher ASK 21, BGA3639 (21468)
G-CHGG/HGG, Schempp-Hirth Standard Cirrus, BGA3929 (362)
G-CHUZ/200, Schempp-Hirth Discus bT, BGA4226 (158/559)
G-CHXM/HXM, Grob G 102 Astir CS, BGA4287 (1272)
G-CHYE/913, Elan DG-505 Elan Orion, BGA4304 (5E-167X22)
G-CKDS/172, Schleicher ASW 27 B, BGA5014 (27202)
G-CKEZ/EZ, Rolladen-Schneider LS8 t, BGA5045 (8464)
G-CKNO/KNO, Schempp-Hirth Ventus 2c xT, BGA5231 (179/429)
G-CKOK/X9, Schempp-Hirth Discus 2c T, BGA5252 (50/67)
G-DEGE/EGE, Rolladen-Schneider LS3 a, BGA2668 (3465)
G-DEKF/EKF, Grob G 102C Club Astir IIIB, BGA2741 (5519C)
G-DTOF/921, Schempp-Hirth Discus 2c FES (3/178)
G-KGAO, Schempp-Hirth Discus bT (154/549)
G-KOBH/920, Scheibe SF-25C Falke 1700, BGA5257 (44386)
G-NYMF, Piper PA-25 235 Pawnee D (25-7556112)
Targett Aviation hangar:
G-CGTL, Alpi Aviation Pioneer 300 (LAA 330A-15038)
G-CGXR, Vans RV-9 A (PFA 320-14371)
G-FLOR, Europa Aviation Europa (PFA 247-12793)
G-MEGZ, Comco Ikarus C42 FB100 Bravo (1311-7286)
G-XKKA, Diamond HK 36TTC 115 Super Dimona (36677)
Photograph credits: Grant Robinson